Self Management

Why you need a system: get organized to accomplish more with less stress

Stress is our biggest enemy. When we feel overwhelmed, rushed, uncertain… we are unable to deliver quality work.

With the information overload in today’s society, stress is very common. I researched and experimented with hundreds of time management techniques to arrive at one simple conclusion:

We all need a system.

We all need an “externalized memory” to make sense of the complexity we’re facing each day. A set of lists which functions as an “add-on” to our mind, so that our mind can be free and uncluttered to deal with the present here-and-now.

A simple system helps us manage ourselves. Your work life will literally transform:

  • Keep many plates spinning without overwhelm or overtime
  • Be more focused and strategic
  • Stay calm, even during crisis moments and unexpected setbacks

My own self management journey

In 2008 I started fanatically stuying the topic, implementing what I learned, creating and continuously refining my own self management system.

In 2014 I published my book Weg met Stress op Kantoor (Eliminate Stress at the Office), sharing my system with hundreds of enthousiastic readers.

In 2017 I launched my online course, the Stress-Free Work System and started personally mentoring purpose-driven leaders.

My Stress-Free Work System is built on 3 simple habits that make all the difference.

Do this consistently, and transform your reality.

1. Continuous prioritization

Presence is the name of the game. And you can only do one thing at a time. So, out of the hundreds activities you can think of, which is the single most important one?

Which next task has the highest leverage, will help you make a big step (or quantum leap) forward, will make everything else easier?

You need to zoom in and out continuously. Switch perspectives between being the leader who strategically decides where to go and what to focus on, and being the one who executes those action steps.

  • Be proactive instead of only reacting to your environment
  • Stop wasting time on the urgent, non-important attention suckers
  • Continuously discover new opportunities and more efficient routes to your goals


2. Externalize your memory

Again: presence is the name of the game. You can only do our best work, find flow, when you are fully absorbed in the moment with nothing else on your mind.

How is this possible when your mind is continuously occupied trying to remember the agreements you made, the things you want to do, new ideas and new opportunities?

Your mind is like a computer. But you are misusing your working memory (RAM) to story static information (tasks, goals, ideas). This is why you easily become overwhelmed and fail to see the forest from the trees.

What you need is a water proof external memory: your own system of categorized lists, where you store everything you need to remember.


  • Grow a reputation of being super reliable and never forgetting
  • Experience peace of mind and presence, knowing that all you need to remember is safely stored and can easily be retrieved
  • Easy planning and prioritizing because all inputs are in one place

3. Focused execution

Only when you are in a state of presence, peace and focus, you are capable of delivering your best work. Stress is the enemy of progress, so whenever you find yourself in hurry, frustration, or annoyment, stop doing what you’re doing. Make it an immediate priority to calm down and switch back to a calm, constructive mental-emotional state .

Time management is self management. To optimize your growth as a person and as a leader, you need to master the inner game. How you talk to yourself, which thoughts, words and actions you accept from yourself, and how you recognize that you are in the red zone.

  • Limit the amount of unnecessary mistakes you make (which damage your reputation and your relationships)
  • Grow a reputation of consistently delivering high-quality work
  • Be a safe, fun and easy person to collaborate with


The Menu

How I can help you setup your own external memory system, personalized and tailored to your individual needs:

1. Online course

  • Step-by-step instructions in videos and worksheets
  • A do-it-yourself guide to implementing your own Stress-Free Work System

2. Guided implementation (half day)

  • I am by your side for half a day
  • We collect and process your most important notes, post-its, ideas, etc.
  • You set up your external memory system with my direct support

3. Guided implementation (full day)

  • I am by your side for a full day
  • We fully clear your clutter (old notes, post-its, ideas, documents, files etc.)
  • You set up your external memory system with my direct support
  • Together we review your priorities and optimize your planning habits

Want personalized support?

Ready to get organized?

For personalized support in setting up your self-management system, use the contact form to apply for an intake conversation.